Hellenic Ministry of Health – Hellenic Focal Point – invited pupils for “The Researcher’s Evening”

As part of the actions of the National Strategy for Health and Safety at Work 2016-2020 aimed at promoting the integration of the key Health and Safety principles into education, the National Focal Point for Health and Safety at Work (Health Directorate & Occupational Safety, Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs) and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), kindly supported by the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS), invited children between the age of 9-15 years to join at this year’s RESEARCH NIGHT 2019 and interactive educational program entitled:  “NAPO and Little Safety Technicians …… research and discover valuable secrets to their health and safety”

For further information please contact Dr. George Scrubelos, Mechanical Engineer, Chairman of the Committee on Safety, Health and the Environment, of the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS) and General Manager RMS RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS or follow this link to NAPO (www.napofilm.net)