EFNMS EuroMaintenance Awards and Salvetti Foundation
An important ambassador of EFNMS is former president dr. Stefano Salvetti from Italy. As member between 1985 and 2003 of an EFNMS steering panel, he was tasked to create a more effective EFNMS organisation. Between 1987 and 1989 he acted as EFNMS president. After all his work and efforts for EFNMS he created the Salvetti Foundation in order to improve the visibility and professionality of maintenance in the broadest sense. He envisioned that the success of EFNMS values only could be achieved when we establish good relations with technical universities, international governmental bodies and best in class companies. His adagio is; “Maintain the World”
To support these common goals EFNMS had established the EUROMAINTENANCE AWARDS. The first awards were handed over in Wiesbaden to representatives of the technical university of Delft and the Lulea university in Sweden. In 2006 the Salvetti Foundation was created and from then on, this foundation sponsors the first award under the name of EuroMaintenance incentive award. A total of 15 incentive awards were awarded towards the winners of this European competition and an additional 14 so-called runners-up certificate were awarded during EuroMaintenance events.
Over the years it became apparent to give a more focused approach towards important stakeholder communities. For example, universities and their scientific work in relation to maintenance. And of course, towards managers responsible for maintenance and asset management. Therefore, the name of a new award became European Maintenance Manager Award. (EMMA) With a more focused approach on HSE and sustainability, leadership and implementing innovation in maintenance techniques. In 2018 the EMMA award was handed over to the Maintenance Manager of BASF Antwerp, Belgium.

Starting in 2000, EFNMS and the Salvetti Foundation have agreed to improve the visibility and relationship with external stakeholders and created an award for (graduate) students, the Master Thesis award. So far, this award has been presented to 10 winners. Some years later EFNMS has also instituted awards for Doctorate students, the PhD thesis award. (PTA). The EFNMS Master and PhD Thesis Award are meant to promote, encourage and motivate the Theoretical and Applied Research and developments in the areas of Maintenance Engineering, Maintenance Management, Information and Communication Technologies, Methods and Systems amongst the students of the European Universities and Research Institutes. All academic awards consist of a diploma and the opportunity for the Laureate to present her / his thesis during the plenary session of the EUROMAINTENANCE conference.

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